Thursday, March 3, 2022

So much for Hollywood

 Everyone is now waiting for the horrible thing to happen, watching it like a movie by checking the news online constantly, which is what the Media control freaks wanted to happen.  This is the part when the nuclear power plants in Ukraine explode.  We have all known for several days that that was Russia’s intention.  That’s enough time for an air strike from the only military capable of defending Europe.  But instead, Biden is sitting back thinking that people will think highly of him every time a nuke kills millions at one time, including people in our own country now as the nuclear submarines travel towards us. What a “peaceful” guy.  And why do people care too much about Europe? That is so racist, says NBC. All I can say is what if some white people do care about other white people? Black people are certainly allowed to care about other black people.  And a lot of us have in fact cared when people were killed in Syria because we already should have stood up to these same bullies.  And what about Nigeria? It is true that we didn’t’ send any thousands of soldiers to help fight evil there. When hundreds of schoolgirls were captured, Michelle Obama held up a sign on facebook posts with everyone else, saying “Bring back our girls.”  There are just some things you don’t have control over. But for the person who does have command of an army like the United States to duck from his duty and instead rally up international amateurs to use this moment to boost “international law” as a way of undercutting his own country’s sovereignty, right when our former power is most needed, is a historic devastation and a defining sign of the intentional cultural damage from everyone who supports him or reflects the influence of political “haters” like the New York Times and others who have destroyed our country on purpose.

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