Thursday, April 30, 2020

NAMI Walk this year

Hi everyone, I hope you are getting through the coronavirus okay.  I hope they do a rent freeze soon. That does not mean I do not care about real estate people but I think that is the thing that would also benefit them whereas most other solutions would cost people more unevenly.

I am signed up to do the NAMI walk this year for the first time, so if anyone wants to donate to the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill, I have a donation page posted:

I have been participating in support groups through NAMI for several months after years of just knowing about that organization through more of a distance.  One year I was going to do the walk on a team called the Bipolar Bipeds, which I think is pretty funny.  But I have not really participated until this year. The team I am on is called Connection Care.

It is kind of a hard time to donate, but to me it helps a lot with getting through the coronavirus experience to do some things that I know have helped other people. It makes me feel better to think of people having food because of me, or being able to get mental health support like the NAMI helpline or support groups.

Something interesting about NAMI is at the groups I feel a certain kind of mental health that also includes people's mental illness itself.  Like you are allowed to be mentally ill, and then the health and comfort you achieve is within that context instead of some form of relief at the cost of your life participation or some kind of pretending to not have mental illness.  Anyway, their theme this year for the walk is "Mental Health for All," and I hope anyone who wants to be included with NAMI's mission will be able to in some way.

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