Saturday, May 2, 2020

Blog Post May 2, 2020

     Well everyone, I hope you are all having a nice day. I am about to make some fish and grits for lunch. Then I am going to a support group in a zoom meeting led by my friend named Neesa who leads an online facebook group that I am in. I need to do some chores in my apartment which is so messy that I think there is a risk of it turning into another Wuhan lab.  Should I have said that. I do not know, but my apartment is messy and I need to do laundry and take the trash out soon. Anyway I have been volunteering, but there have been some incidents where I was rude to others because of feeling upset by inexplicable mistreatment that I attribute either to the conspiracy from Greenville, sub conspiracies or supra-conspiracies from New York and elsewhere, the Barnes and Noble legal sharks that have been following me and harassing me, a satanic counter-conspiracy which could be the same people, charitable but painful torture interventions to rebuild patience, traumatic memory re-enactments for narrative therapy,  policy expert recruitment and writing prompt assistance, social “justice” hypocrits, neighborhood activists who get me to sign a rent freeze petition and then threaten to make my name known to property management sharks, and various corporate power plays from stores who employ way too many secret shoppers and commit actual civil rights violations that could be brought to trial at any time.
    Other than that, I am a very happy person who has food and shelter and meaningful opportunities to help others.  And I am very thankful for all of it and for all my friends, so thanks everyone. I hope you all have a great day and I hope you all are able to someday read the whole book of Isaiah because it really is to me the best literature ever written even though I once considered trying to submit one of my poetry books to a poetry contest against it in heaven. I just felt like some of my jokes were really funny!

 Horizon Cow

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