Saturday, May 16, 2020

cream cheese and crescent rolls: a recipe for disasters

Well everyone, I just ate a yummy snack which was crescent rolls with some cream cheese.  And you might be thinking to yourself, well that is nice but it sounds like you could have really made a nice food with those ingredients and added other stuff like jam or some kind of italian ingredients or some honey mustard and ham or something, or some sugar to make it a cheesecake flaky dessert.  Well you are right about that and I thought about it but opted for just the cream cheese and I think that I will enter this new snack into the Pillsbury Bake-Off competition because it was very yummy.  And the people there will think the same thing and think Gosh there is so much more you could have done with these ingredients but then they will not be able to help themselves during the judging process and they will keep coming back to the table with the crescent rolls on it because of a nagging feeling that maybe that snack beats all the other foods and finally they will discuss it and say okay I think we have to give this to the cream cheese person. And I will win a million dollars and use it all to buy more cream cheese and then live in an indentation smoothed out of a huge mountain of cream cheese.

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