Monday, March 15, 2021

Swivel Chair Mayhem

    Hi everyone, I hope you are having a good day. I got a new cot and am having fewer hallucinations and more sleep.  So that is good.  I had to take some anxiety medicine and whenever I do, I think of people who have anxiety and don't believe in or know about psychiatric medicine and I feel sad for them because literally you can't breathe without anxiety medicine sometimes. That is why I think the religion problems in this country need to be addressed and the persecution of ignorant sad people from those more educated or just differently educated is not helping anyone. 

    Anyway that is not the main thing I am writing about today.  The main thing I am here to discuss is which swivel chair should I try to order once I get the stimulus check for 1400 dollars. For just part of that cash, I am thinking of buying one of these chairs for my newly cleared out apartment which I can also move to another location if I get approved for a housing situation designed for mentally ill people. I have high hopes for that and think that it will help me survive in NYC for a while longer and work as a peer counselor. I think I might try to get the green chair because it is more affordable or the yellow chair because it is on sale and might not be available later on. And it could be that in a new apartment I could try to collect all four eventually. Task chairs online start at about 60 dollars and go to a range of about $150 for a nice cool one and then higher than that for some that are almost like recliners and can cost up to 800 dollars.  That is a bit much for me but I think the idea of an upholstered swivel chair is great and can also be a way to sit low to the ground which I find to be comforting. 

     Anyway in some cultures people pay you to sit in a swivel chair and do work, but I have found myself to have drifted towards laying on a cot and talking to imaginary mice and rabbits.  So that is the new task is to figure out what to do about that.  Get it? "task," like "task chair."  It is worth googling and can be so fun to see all the designs.  Well have a great day everyone. This blog post reminds me of William Cowper's famous poem called "the Task."

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