Saturday, December 18, 2021

Special Announcement

Ok everyone, it is Saturday at about 6 pm. Earlier I was in a frame of mind to write a funny friendly blog post like the earlier posts of this blog.  But I got triggered by politics again so I am not able to write that post.  But I still had an okay day and am thankful for what I have, which includes a nice place to stay, safety, and I just made cookies.  Well that’s the topic to say is that unfortunately I left off the milk.  I knew the dough was too dry but I could not figure out what was missing so I added some more egg and Crisco.  Well that did help but I knew it was still not perfect.  And the cookies are a little bit dry.  You can tell from the icing that I did not care. But I did kind of care.  And then I thought hey my new girlfriend might like to eat some of these cookies when she visits.  But then I tasted them and they are in fact a little bit dry.  And usually these cookies are so good that you know you’re supposed to make cookies like this for a living and will probably face eternal damnation on Judgement Day for missing such a noble calling.

But anyway, you should not joke about that stuff or throw away the bible your parents gave you which I most certainly did when I lost my other apartment. 
I did have a good day today though and found a twenty dollar bill on the ground.  That was after seeing a lady cry at the post office when another lady turned in the money she found and it turned out to be that lady’s lost money.  And then the postal worker told me I had to come back and get my present from my sister on Monday even though the note was already in my p.o box that said I could pick it up.  So that was mysterious but I accepted it like a champ.  Then I went to the grocery store and there were only two jars of molasses left so I left it for other people.  That was nice of me but it was a good deed prepared by the conspiracy.
The ginger and cloves I bought cost 15 dollars, and that does not seem right.  I think people are helping me be depressed again after I got a little hyper earlier this week. It was because I did well on a zoom call. 
Anyway I have been watching cooking videos on youtube and thinking that I would love to do a cooking show where I curse at everyone throughout the episodes in a disorganized schizophrenia way.  But I try not to curse because of being a Christian.  But I can’t help it when I walk through my neighborhoods. So it would seem like hey why not just do it for comedic effect but so far I still am determined not to. But sometimes when I think about heaven I think okay when I get to heaven I am finally going to be able to curse and I will live in a porn library. Well that is also absurd because I used to work in a Barnes and Noble and turned my head several million times from stuff unwanted in my face.  So I guess life is confusing but if I have a show I am going to call it the sh-t-fck kitchen and I am going to start by saying, hey, I am really a poet, and you know how they tell some people they have a face for radio… well I guess I have a face for… Fck you.  Fck you up your deep a.s.s. you muther fcking piece of judgement day coal.
So anyway I guess that is because of being triggered.  It was kind of concentrated this time like the icing on the pastel easter egg looking cookies that I made and will eat for the rest of the season even though each one will remind me of how I forgot the milk and have a ruined life as well that now will hopefully have another added person in it to observe the exact nature of perpetual loss and enough humiliation to distract a whole country from its unfortunate but clearly inevitable and probably deliberate demise.

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