Thursday, March 12, 2020


Well everyone, coronoravirus is not going to stop me from eating Easter candy every day for lent. And it seems to be a good excuse to learn how to cook beans, which I bought at the grocery store to prepare for any kind of shutdown or quarantine. I boiled some of the beans today to use for soup or chili but learned that really you have to soak the beans for several hours.  And really overnight is the goal.  But I am trying to speed the process so I soaked them for an hour after boiling them for a few minutes, and then added a mixture of cooked ground turkey with chicken soup and peanut butter and cooked it on low heat for a while. I decided to keep a lot of the bean water still in the mixture and am hoping the beans soak up the water in the next few hours so it ends up as a chili and not just a soup.  I think it is working.  I think using my other favorite ingredients of honey, mustard powder, and worschester sauce is going to create an interesting chili. I added a can of corn, too. I am not sure if all the flavors will mix in a good way with cream of chicken soup, but I think it is good experience to make a whole pot of chili. Sadly, I added garlic early on but I think I have enough other flavors for that not to mess it up. I think if this chili effort doesn’t work, I will make a normal chili next time with the next bag of beans, using more of the traditional tomato sauces and chili spices that people use. I have some sour cream and cheese so I think this could end up being kind of an indulgence instead of what I thought it was which was me cooking some beans as if I lived in a cabin somewhere and went to the general store only a few times a year. A lot of apocalypse movies and Judgement Day paintings don’t show the pots of chili and the marshmallow bunnies and chocolate sauce, which is my next defense against the pandemic.

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