Monday, March 9, 2020

What should you do if you see one of these:

It looks like a coronoravirus doesn't it. I found it online when I was searching for images of suction cup kooshballs that look like coronoravirus. I thought it could be good for a tweet, but the photo was blurred once I tried to upload it.  I have been wondering if there is a conspiracy where some of the tech company control freaks are doing things like costing people likes on purpose or making the faces on videos have ugly expressions captured in the freeze frame. But there is no reason to be too paranoid.  What people should be paranoid about is that tomorrow morning there is a visiting nurse from my insurance plan coming to my apartment to talk to me about my condition and medicine.  And I do not know whether it really is someone trying to help me, or if instead it is a legal shark from the barnes and noble people who have been harassing me and following me with legal intimidation.  If the visitor doesn't shoot me and instead turns out to actually be someone from the insurance program, even then are they really trying to help me or is it some kind of investigation in disguise as a way of reducing medicaid recipients.  Well this person will literally smell a rat because there are some dead mice in my apartment. But hopefully it will be fine.  I just now felt suicidal.  Medicaid paperwork and insecure benefits make me feel that way, and interestingly, a lot of the legal intimidation seems to be focused on my spending and transaction records. I think it could be a problem for them that it increases pressure about something that already causes me so much distress.  I think that could change the category of the crime, which has now been going on for over 10 years and involves many more people than I would have guessed would want to sign up to be the bad guys in a morality play that uses actual damnation.

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