Sunday, June 25, 2017

Out of the Loop

This is random but I for a long time have thought that the Massachusetts Institute of Technology was in Texas. I wonder if I applied there and told them that then they might think that it is so stupid it actually must be something past being smart you know like so high up intelligence scales that it actually is a certain kind of stupid that is off the charts, or maybe if intelligence loops around then that is the reason for my thinking. But I do not want to go there so I think that if I applied then that would also be because of the loop.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Some lines about the DMV

Well everyone, I went to the DMV today, and honestly it wasn't a bad experience. I was getting a drivers license after a time of not driving for a while.  I had to wait for an hour and then another hour, and they call out people's numbers the whole time.  Like there is a screen with a lot of numbers.  I actually think they should consider combining it with some kind of Bingo game, and if you win, then you don't have to wait as long.  I mean they could almost do that as it is, like choose a few numbers to call immediately for no reason but to make those people winners who don't have to wait in line.  And then after that they could just start passing out cash.  That is kind of what they did today except it was me paying the 66 dollars.

Sunday, June 11, 2017


Well everyone I had a psychological problem that wasn't that bad but kind of bad and I tried to call a hotline just to feel better but they said they had an emergency call come in and ended my call.  Well I do not know why except maybe I sounded too chipper and not enough like I was about to throw myself into a wood chipper.