Sunday, July 17, 2022



Ok everyone, I am apparently doing some blogging this morning.  I had to stop going to church because of persecution and oppression.  So now I am just passing the time of hopefully what is only a few years left by blogging while I still have internet access.  Probably soon Biden will sanction the 80 million, or okay, 250 million people who did not vote for him, and then no one will hear from me again, kind of like how it is now.


I thought I had a girlfriend but she has not visited me yet in my apartment that I am about to lose.  I am waiting to be placed somewhere else but they are sharking me. Really I felt like I could work somewhere and pay for my own apartment but the job people bamboozled me as well. 


I have some more interesting material that actually I can probably assume will come out later in some other posts.  It has to do with my role in life, often now as a white dummy, used by social work people to help others with their race repair for their own traumas.  I kind of get it, and had my own problems with old white men after my retail job which left me with brain damage and a lost societal contribution that people tell themselves was never really meant to be anyway.  The way it goes is I just show up and trip over stuff and display my embarrassing dementia symptoms in ways that make other people feel better about themselves.  And then anyone getting paid feels like their work is done, and the ultimate goal of transforming an over-achieving honors athlete in college to a subservient waste of space for all of adulthood has been accomplished.  The incentives to take showers and walks are sufficiently counteracted by the power plays that help everyone confirm that other suckers’ tax dollars have been appropriately allocated for grounding my face into the dirt like my gay-hating parents did. It was done and decided a long time ago, and I knew it. I was a genius and easily cracked the whole code sophomore year and had the severe depression that reflected my accurate prediction of horror after horror.  But I still had to go through a charade of humoring adults in a new setting called mental health care instead of just the usual futile negotiating for opportunities from prior grown-ups already trying to shut me down. The cartoon rendition of it in heaven will be the most popular slapstick entertainment in human history.  I wish I could offer a suitable ending, but it will probably just be either a boring heart attack from my tachyardia problems or just stopping breathing because of untreated asthma and the shutdown of all my organs and life systems.


 A system shutdown, what does that remind you of? To me it reminds me of… the united states of America, where we had some relief from media power, and then… they found us anyway and are harassing us to death once again.  But we are already dead, half conscious in a temporal lobe sleep state where the prophecy frequency is providing vivid perceptions of what will happen all too soon in ways we were warned about not once, not twice, but constantly from our own consciences which have monitored all of the reality apparent to us for this whole wretched span of history that is nothing but a display of bad behavior and failure that will hopefully make our betrayed and swindled descendents feel better about their own tragic crippling from not having a decent heritage. What can we do for the muslims now, who have new windows into what they missed out on for 7 hundred years.  Well turning the culture wars and civil war and revolutionary war, all into a perpetual new Jihad could be just the thing.  That’ll get ‘em.  Genuinely, I think it might, and I congratulate all of us on our disgrace that we have projected into the universe, which in many circles, as in… circles of hell… is the new name for God. 

Friday, July 15, 2022

When the crowds choose Barabbas...

It might be because facebook’s algorithms paid them to. I guess everyone is choosing sides for some more politics, and a lot of my friends will be sad to see that they have lost me.  Maybe forever, maybe not forever, but too many seem to think that they are excused from forever, and that a few votes for certain candidates cause them to be above other forms of morality and justice.  How unfortunate, though, that to alienate and demonize their chosen opponents, they have to package their ideas together in a sadly discriminatory combo that now is emphasizing killing full term babies. I think their harassment actually got to me first, hurting me before moving on to little unborn punkin pies, so my reactive canceling will not be as based on that as they would assume just because of the blatant offensive horror of it all.  To me it is more about personal betrayal, and how the richest, most blessed person in history has used his money and power to buy… more money and power, and thinks that years of dear friendship for someone with social anxiety are his to waste.  Well a lot of people seem to agree to it, so I will be saying goodbye to most of my persecutors, hopefully voting for someone like Rubio, or maybe no one at all, and then eagerly waiting to die after an absurdly futile pursuit of any basic social participation at all.  People have no hesitation to share their disgust with my prayers, but that is all they left me with, so I do it anyway, until heaven when we find out that might be all some people had going for them.

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Me and the bear I found behind the grocery store


Hi everyone, today is Saturday.  All I am doing is walking and going to the post office to pick up some books to mail to friends.  Most of my books are on smashwords for free right now but I am mailing some to friends, too.  I had a lot of friends who were nice to me and saved my life for about twenty years of a conspiracy where people supplied secret messages and socializing.  It was nice but I suspect people got tired of it because there had to be an emergency ten years added to what they already did.  I had guinea pigs too that were nice to me but they have died so now I pretend the groundhogs near where I live are my new pets.  And they are so sweet, I just love rodents, I love all rodents, from mice and gerbils all the way to the giant capybaras. Well have a great day everyone, if you want to be my friend, I am on Twitter and Instagram as @refriedbeanpoet, and I am on facebook as Refried Bean. I write poems and stories. I think a lot of people have done more creative work than me with memes and online jokes, but some people might still like books of poems and they are only five dollars on amazon. Well have a great day, if you get scared during the war, come visit my pages and I will be nice to you.

Christianity is for U2

 a photo of the boss who hurt me:

Hi everyone, I hope you are having a nice weekend. I just took my medicine.  Yesterday I went to the hospital and had a nice time. The hospital provided a cab ride home as a reward for good behavior.  Because frankly I have had some ups and downs during my many visits as a patient. But they have helped me a lot and I like going there.  


Yesterday I also successfully decided not to go axe shopping after seeing this image of my old boss who used my own retail store job to ruin my life in front of my lifelong community, giving me permanent brain damage and taking about thirty years off of my life.  That is on the murder spectrum but she and the other manager who helped her have still not been arrested.  Maybe they won’t be. I do not know. 


The manager named John Hensley was nice to me. He did something weird with a promotion that I think documented me as asking for a raise when I already had one, but other than that I think he might have been one of the good people and not the bad people.


The company was Barnes and Noble.  I worked there for over twelve years.  What happened is kind of hard to believe, and I plan to forgive people when they take sides with this person because they like her tattoo, or because of politics, or because they are also satanists.