Sunday, July 30, 2017

Using My Best Judgement

Well everyone, Tuesday I have to report for jury duty.  I think that I should go with a verdict already decided just to save time.  This might make them pick me, too, when they are choosing the jury members. If they say, okay, the next juror we are considering, what is your name, etc. And I will say my name is Refried Bean and I find the defendent not guilty. 

Friday, July 21, 2017


This blog post is about something confidential because I signed a form saying that I would not share any information about it.  I'll give you a hint though.  The hint is that I can't tell you anything about it.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

A guessing game with no hints

Well everyone, I found a great new doctor today and hopefully I can keep being her patient, because she helped me a lot.  I feel that she did not mind me explaining my condition in euphemisms because of the way I am so embarrassed by health problems and terms, and when I said stuff like "such and such if you know what I mean but I don't want to say," she knew just what to prescribe.  Probably after a few visits I can just show up and look away in shame and she will know exactly what the diagnosis is. I think that really that is what great health care is all about, and an unlabeled grab bag system at the drug store might work out well for everyone too.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Fast feast

   This might be something I should just post on facebook but I am feeling shy so I am writing it on my blog.  There is a scene in Lord of the Rings with this bad steward fake king guy and he has a feast of food laid out in front of him and one of the hobbits is his servant and the hobbit sings a song and there is slow motion video of the king eating the food like a pig and he is gnawing at the meat and tomato juice runs down his face and it is supposed to be related to how much of a bad person he is.  I think of him sometimes when I eat something like wings, really probably every time I eat wings, and during my depressions a long time ago I would sometimes feel like I was just like him when I would eat hungrily or do something like drink a whole pitcher of kool aid, which I did sometimes because life was hard.
   Anyway I just got home from walking to go get food and I turned on the Return of the King movie on my computer, which I haven't watched for a while, and right as it was starting, it was that scene, and it is funny because I just got wings.  So that is pretty hilarious because basically now it will be like a mirror of me eating my food but I am not going to let it get me down everyone.  But really honestly it was kind of greedy for me to go get the food I got because I just had good food yesterday. But it doesn't mean that I am a bad steward or king or that I should be burnt alive like what happens to him towards the end of the movie. And if that scene is just like me, maybe there are other scenes from other movies that are also me, and maybe one of those movies is the Care Bears movie, and I should remember that I also eat Reese's pieces sometimes, kind of like E.T.