Saturday, February 24, 2018

Introduction to Pest Control

Well hi everyone, today is Saturday.  It is a nice rainy day and I have a couple of days where I am not volunteering.  But what I am doing is getting my apartment ready for a pest control treatment and it is not easy.  I signed a contract agreeing to clear out cabinets and do other specific preparations, and I feel like my apartment is so inherently messy that they will postpone the treatment no matter what.  But I just had this little idea of turning my couch on its side like so it is a tall tower kind of and clearing out the mess underneath it and vacuuming.  I think that the couch sitting on its side when pest control gets here will make it seem like the whole apartment is all upturned and ready for mice traps and bug spray to be administered.  Don't y'all think that is a good idea?  Like okay I do my best to get everything ready and then focus my main attention on simply putting the couch on its side.  It is a small couch.  But I am scared that when I do that a whole bunch of mice will scamper out like in that movie "Ratatouille" when the ceiling falls down and there are so many mice.  That really could be the kind of situation that I am dealing with. But wouldn't it be best for me to know that ahead of time? Well maybe, but it might be a special memory for the pest control guy if I wait and upturn the couch when he is here, watch a hundred mice scamper out, and then say, "These mice are like family to me."

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Pizza Delivery

    Well everyone, it seems that there has been a miracle which is that it turns out there is still a Papa Johns pizza that delivers to my address.  The other one disappeared and I kept trying to order from a different one that doesn't deliver to my address.  Well it made me so sad and I almost couldn't believe it and wondered if they had closed the neighborhood store on purpose after reading a blog post about how I thought it was not cool how they make everyone applying for jobs there agree to waive their court rights after being hired and have their disputes settled by private arbitration paid for by Papa Johns (Pizzeria Law).

   Anyway this is very exciting and it turns out that Papa Johns was just hiding from me for a while to give me a chance to go on a diet.  Well it did work a little bit but now it is time to eat a pizza.  I am not going to cry and hug the delivery man when he gets here because you are not supposed to worship pizza and care about it more than your own life and salvation, and more than your friends and family, and more than the very life and breath that you would sacrifice in a heartbeat for just one more bite of pizza at any moment even if it means never seeing another human face again.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Where did this post come from. I do not know.

   Well hi everyone, it is Wednesday in the middle of the night and I decided to drink some coffee.  I think a lot of people probably think it would have been smarter to take my medicine and get some sleep.  Well that is also a clever idea, but I thought of another clever idea, which is what if I start calling some people names on my blog.  I was thinking about calling some of the bad Christian leaders some names and I thought of saying something funny like Okay, God needs someone to call such and such theologian a bad name and such and such radio personality a bad name and I would say "Here am I, Lord, send me."  Kind of like Isaiah in the Bible but I would be calling God holy with more of a ricochet effect from calling the bad people the names that they are.  
    Why this sudden grudge? Well it is because of some  stuff I read on facebook and twitter.  It is some stuff that doesn't matter. I should not let it get to me.  What I should really do is try to clean my apartment and wake up my neighbors by vacuuming at 3 in the morning, and when they complain, I will tell them that the Bible says not to complain.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

I am posting this on a Tuesday

    Hi everyone, today is Saturday. Time for a little blog post.  Today I went to the food pantry and volunteered, and it was one of the best food days that I have been there for.  They were giving out grape juice, jelly with the peanut butter, and boxes of junk food that was a special treat with pudding, canned ravioli, little mandarin orange slices, and all kinds of yummy stuff.  And they gave out three breads this time and some barbecue sauce and the usual healthy food, too.  And we had a fire drill and a lull of a slow line so I ended up getting like an hour break.  So that is great even though I missed an important conference call to be there.  The call is part of a writing course that I am participating in.  I think that I missed something very helpful but grape juice is also very important.
   Anyway in other news, I think that there are private investigators following me.  Some lawyers keep calling my number and asking for someone who supposedly used my number or identity on an unpaid bill of some kind but you know what?  I don't believe it.  I think it is a way of keeping track of me and documenting my whereabouts as they try to call me on my number because of a different situation.  It kind of reminds me of when I was in middle school and had this idea of prank calling people and accusing them of prank calling me and making them think they were in trouble.  I felt that it was a great idea because they would be on the defense and not realize that they were the ones being prank called.  But anyway the people calling me leave messages about finding the person they have mistaken me for and "serving me papers at work or at home."  Well I think this is to intimidate me or to see if I will turn them in to police and get the ball rolling on some kind of legal action.  Well what kind of legal action am I talking about?  Well hmm that is interesting because there is more than one person who has hurt me in more than one situation and these people might expect some kind of legal case in the future. And I do not know if either set of people know that there is another situation where people might be worried that I will turn them in for what they did.
   Another funny thing is that I haven't publicized my blog yet so these people might be the only ones reading this post.  Hi guys, I think that you should leave me alone and look for a better job.  But anyway I think they did want me to know that I was being tracked because a guy in his car turned his headlights off on purpose in front of my sister's house one night when I was on the porch, and another guy took photos of me one day when I was sitting on a bench somewhere that I won't mention for legal reasons.  And if private investigators want to be stealth, they will be stealth, and if they want to intimidate you, they will purposely be seen.  Which will only mean that I add a harrassment charge to the other charges when I finally get a lawyer.  And also I know that their defense will involve humiliation and character defamation, but it will just turn into yet another case that I add to the charges. 
    But anyway, it is interesting that people are taking any lengths to try to deal with this situation because they have already done what they did and the crimes were quite thorough in both of the cases that are going to be pending either on earth or on Judgement Day in front of a much bigger jury.  Justice is guaranteed and the crimes have been committed.  And bread and grape juice doused in Christianity is everyone's only hope, so I hope that all y'all private investigators will pick up some snacks from the food pantry next time you follow me there to try to catch me saying a curse word because of my trauma that I will never recover from and that I might keep the symptoms from as a joke in heaven, too, which we do not know if you will get to witness, speaking of witnesses.