Well hi everyone, today is Friday. Are you new to visiting my blog? I don’t have that many blog visitors to my knowledge but maybe some of my facebook friends stumble upon it sometimes. Yesterday I posted a photo on facebook of a hawk that is nice to me near my apartment. It tries to communicate with me and flies near me on purpose. The geese there sometimes aren’t friendly, which makes it even more unusual because it is not just a case of me being like St. Francis or something. It is like very specific socializing like with humans.
Anyway when I posted it, one of my friends sent a secret code in the comments to other political people on my feed, telling them to see a post I posted about my friend who died. Then I saw a very rude and disturbing post about censorship by another one of my friends who I don’t know that well but who had once sent a friend request that I think was actually a new type of ad from facebook. That is kind of depressing because I feel a little bit bullied, and might have to defriend a college friend who I have known for twenty years. People did that stuff a lot to me last year, and I know I have about a hundred facebook friends who have chosen consistent political betrayal to harass me. It is interesting because supposedly the main evangelical crime against everyone was like a false friendship using people for conversion stats but I would say this new betrayal in the other direction is much worse yet not that much different for people trying to accuse us of stuff. I think the glee of it and the momentum from winning an election is somewhat understandable but also a mistake and what we have is a recording of vicious disrespect not unlike what a lot of us have felt from the media for many years. It is not a new revolution and it is not about mexican children. It is about bored greedy people trying to undo the spiritual work of a lot of good people who did what they were supposed to despite overwhelming resources used against us and the young people we tried to defend.
But I guess at least I have a hawk friend who doesn’t treat me like that. I hope the gargoyles do the same for all of y’all where you are going.