Thursday, April 13, 2023


 I just did enough posts for the day but might as well get working on this other topic that has been on my mind to help northerners understand.  A frequent thing that a lot of culture assaulters who have chosen religious persecution as their lifestyle use to justify their actions is the bad voting habits of republicans.  The south’s main participation in the culture war was to vote, go to church, and try to maintain family life. This was while the north did their thing, which was mainly sexual harassment from media, and trying to use tax dollars for abortion. A lot of southern resistance did get hypocritical but it was very often innocent.  For an abuser to have a legitimate case against any of us means that something in that mix had to be really bad.  And usually people try to make it be about the vote.


After participating highly in liberal occupied territory, first as a bookstore worker and later as a writer in New York City, I do see something that the nicer liberals also innocently don’t realize.  And that is that for many years, the good people in the south mostly were republicans.  Like however wrong we have been or they have been or whoever it is, the fact is that in the south, the people who told the truth, went to church, and did what they were supposed to, were republicans.  Things have changed some and there probably are some okay democrat candidates by now, but for most of the time, the democrats tended to be people like John Edwards, John Kerry, and Al Gore.  And frankly, I am not fooled into thinking that Joe Biden is not also one of those people, no matter how much anyone wants to associate him with Obama, and no matter how much he himself is willing to let people die as part of his attempt to imitate Obama’s “diplomacy” habits. 


A nuke is not supposed to be a “red line.”  It is supposed to be prevented as a good country is defended and defends other innocent life.  If we are no longer securely a good country worth saving, it is likely the same problem as having leaders who don’t have the moral strength or position to enforce true justice and secure safety.


People used to complain about “politicizing” things and doing things like war or not war for political reasons.  But I think something behind that has been exposed, and that politicizing also has a different goal even more shallow.  And it has to do with specific power-hungry people’s expectation for the whole world to be at risk so they can feel successful.  And this new weakness that is on display as Russia, China, and Iran use a luxurious amount of time to prepare for more rape and murder, is not unrelated to the hypocritical racism behind half a nation being so proud that they voted for a black person, that they insist on re-enacting it instead of “progressing” out of the widespread debt and poverty reaped from stubborn polarization.  


The theme seems to be that if you voted for Obama you are a good person, and if you didn’t, well history has proven your racism, hasn’t it?  But unfortunately it seems that for some people, that is the only decent thing they did, and for the rest of us, getting molested at the airports for 8 years so he could be successful just wasn’t enough and never will be. You want our worship, you think our religion has been proven wrong because facebook chose your side to win the 2020 election, and you think God is okay with millions of young people not even knowing the basic facts of atonement from Jesus Christ.  I vote libertarian but liked Obama.  I felt that he was a good president and a great Christian witness for the world.  But if you think that millions of people should die as a celebration of your little check mark once, okay wow, twice? in your whole life, then you are the one with the racism problem, and not coincidentally, a much more serious religion problem. 

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