Wednesday, December 25, 2019

a new poem

Christmas Jam

I am happy for the people 
who are the light of the world.
My happiness for them
is a strand of Christmas lights
gleaming in my own dark soul. 
My heart is in the cold woods 
of a winter where the sun set
suddenly and soon,
taking with it my youth
as laughter turned to fear and sadness,
deepening with each year.
But the rustling leaves in the shadows
turned out to mostly be friendly gophers and prairie dogs,
roasting marshmallows over coals
that glow orange and yellow with heat from another world.
A Christmas song echoes in the night,
and everyone knows
where they can find a tree
full of bright lights,
colorful and warm
with strands of tinsel and glass 
reflecting the shimmer of hope
in the middle of a menacing wilderness
that in my mind,
has preserved the greatest peace.

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