Saturday, December 28, 2019

Koala Emergency

    Ok everyone, I am writing another post that is also about a sad topic, and it has to do with the koala emergency in Australia.  There are terrible fires there, and thousands of koalas have died and are still suffering.  People estimated that 480 million animals have died.  I honestly can almost not believe that, and it shakes me up and will permanently affect my whole worldview.  
    Some people think animals don’t get resurrected like how people can, but I think animals can live again, and most people will be reunited with their pets someday. I have to wonder why God wants 480 million healed and comforted animals in heaven. Just recently I was praying and asking God to give everyone imaginary angel animals like the mice and rabbits and dogs who help me get through each day.  Maybe he is going to give a lot of suffering and stressed people some comforting koala spirit animals or guardian angel friends to help us through the next part of life.  Or maybe there are a lot of people dying and suffering all over the world, and some of the animals are going to be therapy animals for people recovering in heaven. Or maybe there is about to be a war and horrible suffering soon, and  animals are being comforted and trained to be angel animals for the living, or pet therapy animals for those who end up in heaven.  480 million is a lot.  It is koalas and kangaroos, probably mice and squirrels and birds, and definitely many of people’s favorite animals ever.
    People say it is so inappropriate to say a theory like that, but all I can say is that I do think there is a good purpose behind everything, and I won’t refrain from trying to guess what happiness could come from a tragedy like this that honestly is one of the worst, saddest things I have ever heard of.

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