Tuesday, December 31, 2019

A New Year's Prayer

Dear God, please choose daily one hundred crowds of one hundred people, all from throughout their lives, and assign them a trillion scheduled happy provisions for any possible network plus all the people who watched the same shows as they did at any time, plus the people of the time periods that those people’s teachers knew about, plus ten wild card bonus group selections, and give them 44 billion salvation trail provision assortments with a hundred unlosable keys to the mountain doors of eternal store inventory assembly headquarters.  Please view the social force layer groups providing the blessings and civilization benefits with an extra consideration and create a new recipient foundation that includes those people and four hundred million people each who ever made similar choices as them, had similar interests, said something related to a topic they presented in official contexts, or hundred hundred hundred. Please rank all of the people and a thousand generations in one million lists according to a thousand criteria with concessions and future justice and role considerations, and commission a neverending blessings sequence theme for each listing, with additional recipient categories and  a distribution of bonus variations and extra interpretation resources among anyone in related societies or communities with inclusion extension and translated consumable extras. Please smatter five hundred trillion merit-based, grace-based, and mercy-based jackpots among all people ever, with friend provision and food and love prioritized and increasing in places of unacknowledged suffering, adding an inverse formula and four hundred complicated graph patterns governing extra increase and delivery of supplies in fifty categories such as intangible, common, unexpected, edible, indestructible, or recurring. Please save 500 million more people from death and hell in Jesus’s name, with faith being shared among anyone who can give more from offering the credit to also be transformed into understanding and associated or resulting yields times 5000 plus a nonmentioned restart of the most light high bright for people not included in the main route of service in four thousand city groups with connections to help provide prize package 63 space edition all-include loops given to anyone who would add that to their own surprise list ordered without possibility of skipovers. Please forgive us for all of our sins and make each quantifiable material and time-oriented label cooperation admissible into the count machine that can construct a hundred map sequence thousand thousand thousand ticker grid indicator patterns for 500 dimensional or kingdom-location unpredictable blessing generators. Thank you for all the great things that have happened to anyone and please help us do what we are supposed to and share food and love and life with all people and animals possible through the righteous faith and forgiveness of Jesus Christ.

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