Well everyone, I hope you are having a good day and don’t mind this variety of rant quality complaining on my blog. I really only have a few topics left rattling around in my brain. One of those topics has to do with definitely skipping the arrogance parade in New york for the Juneteenth time this year, and being tired of the pronoun police harassing me even though I actually have legitimate gender problems that their appropriation and religious persecution is based on. I would prefer to have used my pen name Refried Bean ten years ago as soon as I came to New York and then sincerely avoid pronouns according to my lifelong gender suffering, but it is exactly those kind of people who shut me down on a level not just of career loss but of worldwide influence loss. But I am learning that the scale of it that makes me despair also makes it be God’s concern and not mine, and I might not even have interest to watch my enemies’ brains splatter on judgement day.
Second to mention is just another topic I keep not getting around to and that is the likelihood of reparitions for tax dollars eventually taking place some day in a similar way as slavery payback. I actually do side pretty whole heartedly with slavery reparitions and think it is a goal that can and does happen in disguised forms. But some of the reason I can’t make my rightful contribution is from the very same racist politics of people who deny so many other types of leeching, abuse, and deliberate societal harm that happens in our world and country from people of any background.
Thirdly, what is happening with these pandemics and shootings? Will people really not whisper the possibility of biological warfare and foreign attacks? I think some of the assault, both as war and defamation, is a delayed reaction to the British Empire and a still embarrassingly reluctant or involuntary admission that people should have more eagerly accepted the gospel that was shared to them two hundred or so years ago. People’s edited anti-colonial narratives have to leave out a lot of facts to continue a denial of what seem to be unprecedented martyrdom opportunities for whole countries and continents, which also happen to be too conspicuously inclusive and diverse for their suffering to be viewed only as a delayed retributive punishment of hypocritical oppression. Whoever demands the baton in their contrived drama of overcoming cultural domination hopefully will be just as successful with sharing the only true and enduring faith of righteous people, which is humble and powerful Christianity. In the US, where people won’t shut up about how bad the Christians are, or Republicans, or whoever exactly has been listening to hymns in their cars, some of these suspiciously plentiful and strategically timed shootings have a self-destruction component that kind of reminds me of wars from the 1400s. I say that in code because the northerners have taught me to only pretend to speak out about “injustice,” (or is it evil), while they consistently hide their complicitness with bad people and exploiters as much as those they bully. Education on nuclear technology is just too much a worthwhile bargain trade for impressive school diversity stats. All this stuff I politely and RIGHTFULLY kept to myself until people made their choices to harass me and ruin my life. And now I will say why I am bothered, and it will be the same in heaven, when time is up, and God unleashes his very own individualized slurs that instantly destroy every nation and people who chose humiliation over humility.
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